Our COVID-19 Safety Plan
Construction and tradespeople
Business details
Business name | Logical Choice Electrical & Mechanical Services |
Business location (town, suburb, or postcode) | Various Sites around Sydney |
Completed by | James A’Hern |
Email address | james@logicalchoice.com.au |
Effective date | 20 November 2020 |
Date completed | 29 July 2021 |
Wellbeing of staff and customers
Staff to advise management if they have any symptoms or if they feel unwell.
Make sure all workers comply with COVID-19 health advice so far as reasonably practicable. Most importantly, do not visit clients’ homes or construction sites even if you have mild symptoms.
Staff to advise management if they have any symptoms or if they feel unwell.
Before attending a job in someone’s home, ask if there is anyone in the house with any cold or flu symptoms or anyone who is in home-isolation. If there is, reschedule your visit until the home isolation period has finished or for several days after symptoms have resolved.
Staff to ask these questions when scheduling in any job as well as field service to ask home owner before entering premises.
When inducting staff and visitors on site, provide information on how to stay COVID Safe and provide advice on what to do in the event they come in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Signing visitor register before entering premises if available.
Provide staff with training and advice to in relation to personal hygiene, updated infection control practices and the adherence to COVID-19 control requirements. Review the existing levels of supervision to provide and monitor this advice.
Training to be monitored as per ongoing government guidelines & provided as needed.
Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.
Staff may be required to use their sick leave in the event that they are required to self-isolate.
If there is no sick leave available, Staff will be asked to use annual leave.
Physical distancing
Develop a Travel Action Plan and provide information to staff and visitors about how to travel to your workplace in a COVID Safe way.
Staff to use their own assigned work vehicle to travel to site.
Restrict non-essential personnel and visitors from entering the site or reschedule visits to a time when there are minimal personnel on site, wherever possible.
Only staff required to complete task are to be sent to site.
Monitor entry and exit points to maintain social distancing and prevent overcrowding, including provision of supervision, line marking, clear signage, video communications/doorbell. Ensure similar arrangements are in place for general access and exit including stairways, lifts, hoists, evacuation routes and muster points.
Staff have been advised of ongoing government guidelines & will be in charge of monitoring their movements whilst on site.
Where reasonably practical, ensure workers and essential visitors maintain physical distancing at all times including at meal breaks, in offices, meeting rooms and site sheds.
Staff have been advised of government guidelines & will be in charge of monitoring their distance whilst on site.
Ensure storage points are frequently reviewed to ensure equipment is not crowded, where practical.
Use telephone or video for essential meetings where practical.
Meetings to be assessed on an individual needs basis.
Staff to work alone where possible or maintain safe social distancing requirements.
For essential work activities where social distancing is problematic, there should be clearly documented processes of control and approval.
In the event that you cannot adhere to social distancing, you must wear a mask & sanitise.
Request contactless delivery and invoicing, where practical. Otherwise, drivers should remain in their vehicles while staff unload the delivery, where possible. If not possible, drivers should sanitise their hands before unloading the delivery.
Couriers will leave deliveries in a safe place at Logical Choice HQ.
Purchases from wholesalers will be completed following wholesalers procedures.
All breaks will be taken with social distancing in mind or in company vehicles.
Inductions & toolbox talks to be assessed on an individual basis & ability to adhere to social distancing standards.
Conduct a task risk assessment to identify control measures necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 physical distancing cannot be adhered to.
In the event that you cannot adhere to social distancing, you must wear a mask & sanitise.
Consider what work can be done offsite, such as prefabrication work, or administration work from home.
We are an essential service & an authorised service as per NSW Covid19 rules.
Hygiene and cleaning
Adopt good hand hygiene practices.
Staff to have gloves, face masks & hand sanitiser readily available to them at all times.
Have hand sanitiser or wash stations at key points around the site, such as entry and exit points and meal areas. Hand sanitiser may not work well if hands are visibly dirty.
Staff to have gloves, face masks & hand sanitiser readily available to them at all times.
Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels. Trades services should make sure hand sanitiser is available in work vehicles for mobile tradespeople.
Staff to have gloves, face masks & hand sanitiser readily available to them at all times.
Ensure rubbish collection is performed regularly to avoid rubbish overflow.
Staff to remove all rubbish at the end of each job & dispose of the rubbish on site.
Clean indoor hard surface areas frequented by staff or customers at least daily with detergent or disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces, including in reception, delivery areas, turnstiles, lifts, hoists, printers, plant and machinery controls, handrails, taps and washing facilities, several times per day with a detergent or disinfectant solution or wipe.
Sanitiser to be used before & after touching surfaces.
Disinfectant solutions need to be maintained at an appropriate strength and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Disinfectant solutions to be controlled as per manufacturer guidelines.
Wear the required personal protective equipment when cleaning, including gloves, and wash hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water.
Staff are equipped with gloves, masks & sanitiser.
Minimise contact with household items and fittings not related to your work.
Staff to touch only areas of the site that is required to carry out task.
Display signs about physical distancing, hygiene, and hand washing practices around the workplace where practical.
If sharing tools and equipment is unavoidable ensure cleaning with a detergent solution or disinfectant wipes in between use.
Staff to use their own tools but where tools are to be shared, they are to be wiped down before & after use.
Where practical, site vehicles and plant should be operated by a single designated operator and regularly cleaned. Where shared use is unavoidable, regularly clean the inside of vehicle cabs and between use.
Staff to use their own tools or wipe down between use in the event that you are required to share equipment.
In indoor areas, increase natural ventilation by opening windows and doors where possible, and increase mechanical ventilation where possible by optimising air conditioning or other system settings (such as by maximising the intake of outside air and reducing or avoiding recirculation of air).
In the event that you cannot adhere to social distancing, you must wear a mask & sanitise.
Record keeping
Keep a record of name, contact number and entry time for all staff, site visitors and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. Where possible, use gates and swipe cards to identify when individual workers enter and exit the site to aid in tracing their attendance; or use toolbox talks or other methods of recording individual worker attendance at a site. Electronic collection (such as QR code) of contact details for each person is strongly encouraged.
We will use QR codes or visitor registers at each site.
All other records will be kept as per government guidelines.
Maintain a record of all customer home visits to assist with contact tracing.
Staff will use QR codes or visitor registers at each site.
All other records will be kept as per government guidelines.
Ensure records are used only for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are collected and stored confidentially and securely. When selecting and using an electronic method of record collection, take reasonably practical steps to protect privacy and ensure the records are secure. Consider the ‘Customer record keeping’ page of nsw.gov.au
Staff will use QR codes or visitor registers at each site.
All other records will be kept as per government guidelines.
All records will be kept as per Logical Choice Electrical & Mechanical Services Privacy Policy.
Make staff aware of the COVID Safe app and the benefits of the app to support contact tracing if required.
Staff will use QR codes or visitor registers at each site.
All other records will be kept as per government guidelines.
Cooperate with NSW Health if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19 at your workplace and notify Safe Work NSW on 13 10 50.
Full disclosure will be provided to NSW Health on an as required basis.
I agree to keep a copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan at the business premises